Because you’re good enough as you are
Being yourself is hard, especially when your inner monologue continually tells you that you aren’t good enough and the media, especially ‘social’ media, continually bombards us with words and images which only reinforce the negative thoughts and feelings we already have about ourselves.
Anxiety, depression, overwhelm and impostor syndrome are all common physical expressions of your inner critic running amok. Once the limiting beliefs that you’re carrying about yourself are released your sense of personal power, charisma and ability to make positive choices for yourself greatly increases. You understand and accept yourself, and learn to love, value and trust yourself – stepping into a world of self-confidence, trust and happiness.
The Life issues I work on with clients are:
- Anxiety and Depression
- Self-Confidence
- Discovering Life Purpose
- Perfectionism/Impostor Syndrome
- Fears and Phobias
- Release of Painful Experiences or Trauma

My work with children as young as 7 has helped them with all sorts of issues. As well as those already mentioned, my young clients have worked on improving eating disorders, exam and performance stress, separation anxiety and bullying, finding their own personal strength through emotional release and creative practical tools.
Dawn can also help you with your love life